Two Passive Incomes- One Policy

The traditional financial model espouses saving/investing for many years, and then depleting that nest egg for the last few decades of ones life. It’s hardly a system of generational growing wealth, and often fails to last long enough for the first generation.

Join Doug & John as they discuss how even one policy can be used across multiple generations and provide true utility over many many decades. 

Please notice that I did not say ‘retirement income’—- I’m dropping that word from my vocabulary. Passive income is money that comes in every year and you don’t have to do anything to receive it. In fact, you can’t do anything about —- it just appears” R. Nelson Nash, Becoming Your Own Banker, Unlock the Infinite Banking Concept.

Connect with Doug MacKenze:

Website: Control Capital Solutions


Connect with john Fox Ward:

Website: Nash Cashflow – The Nash CashFlow Group


Check out this episode!

Securing Your Family’s Financial Future With Child Policies

Compound interest can work for anybody at any age, but the longer the time horizon, the better. There is no better time to get an insurance policy than when someone enters this world.

Premium payments required to acheive a large death benefit are low, passive income is assured, insurability is locked in, most underwriting requirements are avoided, and most importantly it allows a substantial tax free build up of cash that can be used for decades to come.

Join Doug & John as they discuss just how powerful child policies really are.

As each generation becomes grandparents, they buy life insurance on their grandchildren. If the message is passed on to each child-bearing generation- as they become grandparents then you can create the same effect as the “even distribution of age classes” in the growing trees, but it is far more profitable and certain as to the results.” R. Nelson Nash, Becoming Your Own Banker, Unlock the Infinite Banking Concept.

Connect with Doug MacKenze:

Website: Control Capital Solutions


Connect with john Fox Ward:

Website: Nash Cashflow – The Nash CashFlow Group


Check out this episode!

The Beauty Of Unstructured Loans

Applications, justification, income verification, qualification, etc…. These are some of the many steps we have accepted we must take when getting a loan from someone else. It’s a laborious process that’s not within our control.

What if there was a better way to access capital? Come join Doug and John to find out how! 

What is an unstructured loan? It is basically an open ended loan arrangement. It is open ended because of the time and frequency of repayment is not defined. There is no set time of repayment. This means that you can pay it back whenever you want, and if you have enough collateral capacity to absorb the loan, you may never have to repay the loan or the interest. (Very) few people can obtain (an unstructured loan unless you have) access to loans from friends without terms, or available from your life insurance company if you own a permanent life, insurance contract.” – Brian Bloom – Confessions of a CPA, The Truth About Life Insurance.

Connect with Doug MacKenze:

Website: Control Capital Solutions


Connect with john Fox Ward:

Website: Nash Cashflow – The Nash CashFlow Group


Check out this episode!