Recommended Reading

Confessions of a CPA – The Truth About Life Insurance by Bryan S. Bloom, CPA

Home Equity and Reverse Mortgages – The Cinderella of the Baby Boomer Retirement by Harlan J. Accola

Busting the Retirement Lies – Living with Passion, Purpose and Abundance Throughout Our Lives by Kim D. H. Butler

Pirates of Manhattan by Barry James Dyke

The Pension Idea by Paul L. Poirot (request a copy)

Becoming Your Own Banker – Unlock the Infinite Banking Concept by R. Nelson Nash

Austrian Economics & Public Policy – Restoring Freedom and Prosperity by Richard M. Eberling

Billion Dollar Blueprint

Understanding Reverse – 2020

How Privatized Banking Really Works

Confessions of a CPA: Why What I was Taught To Be True Has Turned Out Not To Be

Confessions of a CPA: The Capital Equivalent Value of Life Insurance

The Case for IBC: How To Secede From Our Current Monetary Regime One Household At A Time

Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics

The Law: Here, in this 1850 classic, a powerful refutation of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, published two years earlier, Bastiat discusses: what is law?


Truth Concepts – Qualified Plans

Todd Langford, founder of the financial calculator software, Truth Concepts, dispels the myths related to 401Ks, IRAs, etc. with the real math. The numbers may have changed since this video was produced a few years ago, though the concept and the logic behind them have not.

Truth Concepts – True Cost of Paying Cash

Truth Concepts™ is desktop software that analyzes the impact of various financial choices. It includes over 20 multi-faceted functions – a suite of a sixteen calculators additional tools and tables of historical information (such as tax rates.) Truth Concepts™ lets you evaluate the effectiveness of limitless financial options.